Monday, February 12, 2024

 Who Will be President in2025?

Been saying this for a while, they will run Biden till months before the election, he will be declared incapable of the office, Kamala will take over for the remaining months, Michael will be nominated to run, they will cheat and MO will be the President, watch and see.

How Republicans Keep Losing?

The Democrats lie cheat and steal, that's a fact. One thing they are good at is recruiting people to pretend to be Conservative Republican, get into office and derail conservatives (RINO's). Here's a fun fact, Politicians are legally allowed to lie to us.

Until we put a stop to that practice and start holding politicians accountable for deceit on their Oaths of Office and criminal activity it will never end, and we will continue to get screwed. If you get an executive job lie cheat and steal from your shareholders, you will not only be fired, but you can be sued and/or prosecuted for fraud. Since America has been incorporated, why is this not the case for our politicians (executives)?